Chicken milanesas

Chicken milanesas

The Chicken Milanesas are made with minced fillet, later formed and breaded. They are ideal for preparing quick and fun menus.

Take the opportunity to combine flavors, make them Neapolitan style with garnish, in a sandwich, horseback or as you like.



*from the date of manufacture.

Useful tips

Breaded chicken breasts

Breaded chicken

Breaded chicken breasts from Las Camelias are a delicious and tender product.

It is ideal for sandwiches or as a complement to salads, mashed potatoes, French fries. Make them fried or baked and enjoy its flavor.



*from the date of manufacture.

Useful tips

Chicken sausage

Chicken sausage

Las Camelias chicken sausages are elaborated with  a 100% fillet and the right seasoning, without any other adding, so you can enjoy an authentic Argentine choripán.

You can also combine it with other preparations such as pomarola, brochettes, Creole sauce, in salads or as you prefer.



*from the date of manufacture.

Useful tips

Chicken medallions

Chicken medallions

Las Camelias chicken medallions are made with fillet and with the right seasoning for you to enjoy a quick and delicious meal.

Combine them with what you like the most and prepare an unforgettable menu.



*from the date of manufacture.

Useful tips